Comments on: Gap between U.S. perception and reality in Iraq, Afghanistan, author posits A resource for covering national security issues Fri, 30 Sep 2011 16:31:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vince Fri, 30 Sep 2011 16:31:15 +0000 “65% of Afghans themselves recently told pollsters that they think the country is going in the right direction” poll taken after you said you would soon leave this country?
““The Taliban is not a very large insurgent group,’’ he said.”…. So why the hell 100 000 US troops there to fight a “not very large insurgent group”? How come so many military casualties?Are US troops shooting at each others? Why the hell afghans not linked to Talibans or whatever are killing US troops(including CIA)?
” which has been praised as required reading on the state of U.S. national security by a wide array of experts”… experts in lies and propaganda?
“one is more likely to be killed in Washington, D.C. than in Afghanistan, according to official statistics based on the percentage of deaths per population” Yeah, great, you have an higher percentage of US troops in DC area than in Afghanistan, that’s may explain the problem…. You can’t even get it right at home….
