New York Times – Medill National Security Zone A resource for covering national security issues Tue, 15 Mar 2016 22:20:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 On reporting hypocrisies and hypocrisies in reporting Sun, 01 Aug 2010 16:13:31 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Disclosing the gay-bashing preacher who hires his own rent-boy is a satisfying feeling on a purely personal level; all cultures have a special distaste for the hypocritical and two-faced, especially by the intolerant.

On a more professional level, it is even more gratifying when journalists uncover the nation’s policies that clash and contradict. In these cases, they range from the absolute hypocritical to the simply inept.

Whether the two front-page reports in The New York Times in recent weeks will have any lasting impact remains to be seen, but they revealed how our ostensible allies in the Kurdish region of Iraq are supplying oil to Iran in contravention of American calls for an embargo. The Times noted with interviews and photos that this trade is not a surreptitious activity but a daily caravan of more than 1,000 oil tanker trucks traveling U.S. protected roads that are helping Iran sustain itself against the embargo.

On another topic that is even more directly contradictory, the Times reported that the IRS allows tax deductions for religious groups that are funding Israeli settlement activity in the Palestinian West Bank, contrary to U.S. declarations, agreements and policy interests in the region. Whether the interests are political or religious, The Times’ story showed interest groups can find support and work around policy despite the nation’s expressed intentions.

You might uncover dozens of examples of such policy contradictions but finding the journalists and the institutions willing to fund that type of international reporting is becoming more difficult. Sure there are inspector general reports and there is at least some congressional oversight, but without independent eyes and ears paying attention to hypocrisy and two-faced policy, it will be a lot easier to get away with it.

Finally, it’s not that the press comes through unscathed by its own hypocrisy and contradictions: A study conducted by students at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University looked back at reporting during several years of the Bush administration and detailed how the most influential print news media generally stopped using the word “torture” after administration officials insisted on using the euphemism “enhanced interrogation techniques” to describe waterboarding prisoners.

Officials, from President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney on down, were adamant that waterboarding was not “torture.” Almost overnight, according to the study, the nation’s largest newspapers changed their language. Almost as soon as it was challenged by the administration’s political supporters, the media stopped using the word “torture” supposedly because they didn’t want to “take sides” in the debate. Of course, as Glen Greenwald of Salon and other commentators have pointed out, that is taking a side, the administration’s side. Never mind that the media have used the word “torture” for decades to describe the same painful and frightening interrogation technique. It was correct to call it that from the Middle Ages to Japanese treatment of American POWs in World War II, but not between the years 2004-2008.

Reporting in Guantanamo Tue, 27 Jul 2010 16:10:58 +0000 Continue reading ]]> The Pentagon’s “Media Policy and Ground Rules” pamphlet for reporting on Guantanamo starts off badly and quickly veers into silly.

The bad start: Reporters may only fly to Guantanamo to cover the military commissions by using military aircraft, although they can leave on commercial planes. Carol Rosenberg of The Miami Herald noted that she had to fly via commercial plan to Washington so she could take a military flight from Andrews Air Force Base to Cuba. She used to fly from Miami to report on Guantanamo.

The turn to silly: “Etiquette” rules prohibit chewing gum, standing and stretching or sleeping in the courtroom.

What these examples demonstrate: A military culture that results in arbitrary restrictions on reporters at the whim of a public affairs officer.

The New York Times reported last week about how the media guidelines are enforced at Guantanamo, exposing the public affairs officers as petty, controlling and fearful of journalists. Through the guidelines they established, these PAOs have undermined Defense Department efforts to build relationships with the media. Recently, in announcing rules for military officials’ interactions with reporters, Secretary Roberts Gates stressed the need for aggressive reporting on the military.

He told reporters at a Pentagon briefing that The Washington Post series about problems at Walter Reed Army Medical Center “have been a spur to action for me. The kind of reporting you do … is one of the tools I have in trying to lead this department and correct problems.”

Some senior officials at the Defense Department have agreed to meet this week with representatives of several news organizations demanding the some of the Guantanamo rules be rescinded.

Much of the focus is on rules that prohibit reporters from revealing information the Pentagon decides is protected even if that information is learned from non-government sources.

Rosenberg and several other reporters were expelling from Guantanamo in May for publishing the name of an Army interrogator even though that name had been aired in numerous news stories previously – because the rules allowed only an anonymous moniker given to him in court documents.

Rosenberg and lawyers for the media companies say the rules are a violation of the First Amendment.

This week’s meeting offers an opportunity for the Pentagon to acknowledge the obvious as a start in rebuilding a damaged relationship and, more important, allowing Guantanamo reporters to do their job in the best interests of the public.
