Controversial deposed ‘backscatter’ airport scanners heading to federal offices?

By SB Anderson

It’s one thing to get a dose of radiation — and a nearly-nekkid-as-a-jaybird depiction of yourself made available to a technician — once in a blue moon at the airport, but how about every day when you walk into your job at a federal office building? 

Federal Times reports that the controversial “backscatter” scanners that the Transportation Security Administration is removing from airports might wind up in federal buildings.  To wit: 

“We are working with other government agencies to find homes for them,” Transportation Security Administration spokesman David Castelveter said. “There is an interest clearly by DoD and the State Department to use them — and other agencies as well.”

You’d think doing that would eventually cause a ruckus. And at least one congressperson has weighed in already.  “The American public must be assured that these machines will not be used in any other public federal facility,” Federal Times quotes U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., as saying.

(HT to and Skift for the bread crumbs that led OTB to the story)