A coalition of business, activists and web sites is mounting a ‘worldwide day of activism’ today — dubbed “The Day We Fight Back” to protest NSA surveillance. The protest includes banner ads on website, e-mail blasts to lawmakers and local events.
“On February 11th, we’ll rise against mass surveillance,” Brett Solomon of the group Access said.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is among the groups participating, said on its site that 6,000 site are involved. Among them: Reddit, Tumblr and Mozilla, BoingBoing, Upworthy and DailyKos.
The protest is timed to the anniversary of the suicide of Aaron’s Swartz, an activist and leading force behind the Stop Online Piracy Act.
“Today the greatest threat to a free Internet, and broader free society, is the National Security Agency’s mass spying regime. If Aaron were alive he’d be on the front lines, fighting back against these practices that undermine our ability to engage with each other as genuinely free human beings,” David Segal of Demand Progress (co-founded by Swartz) said in the coalition’s press release.

Part of the protest banner running on web sites.