TSA spare change

By SB Anderson

As Congress debates how to best reallocate the $500,000 a year in loose change that the Transportation Security Administration banks from people who forget to pick theirs up after finishing security screening, we thought it would be a good time to list how much was collected at each airport during 2012, the last year for which data is collected.

Las Vegas at No. 2 is something of a surprise; you’d think travelers would be more attentive in keeping their last few coins to use in the hundreds of slot machines at the gates. The leanest haul? Guam’s airport, with a total of $1.70.

The chart below shows the amount of change collected by city, sorted from the most to the least. Click the arrow or numbers at bottom to see the next 10 airports. You can also sort by clicking on the field names.

Data was extracted from a TSA report originally posted by the Wall Street Journal.

We’ve posted the the full spreadsheet here for you to download.