Meet The Author

Kelly Cannon

Politics, 2020 Election

Kelly Cannon

Kelly Cannon is a political reporter and lawyer based in Washington, D.C. Her work covering Congress, the 2020 election and the coronavirus pandemic has been published and broadcast with ABC News and local ABC affiliates. She holds a bachelor's degree from Boston College and a master's degree from King’s College London. She graduated from Loyola University Chicago School of Law (J.D.) and is licensed to practice law in New York and Illinois.

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Does President Trump have the power to force Congress to adjourn?

Trump has the power to unilaterally adjourn Congress, but whether he can do that for the purposes of confirming his nominations for judges and administration officials is more complicated.


Art. II, Sec. III U.S. Constitution; NLRB v. Noel Canning (U.S. 2014).