Father of slain journalist asks Congress for exceptions to legal protections for big tech

The father of a journalist who was murdered in 2015 is pushing for Congress to pass legislation that would prevent Google and other tech companies from invoking a federal law that allows them to avoid liability for “moment of death” videos.

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Family, journalism community demand justice for journalist killed in South Sudan

The parents of Christopher Allen, a 26-year-old British-American freelance journalist killed while covering the civil war in South Sudan, said at a vigil Monday on the two-year anniversary of his death that the South Sudanese government should be forced to provide answers on how Allen died.

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Still waiting on Mueller, Judiciary Committee considers paths to hold Trump accountable

As Robert Mueller’s testimony looms, the House Judiciary Committee is holding a series of hearings to learn more about the Mueller report and possible offenses by President Donald Trump. Friday’s hearing focused on Congress’ constitutional authority and ability to hold the president accountable.

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