National Security Reporters Embed with Army brigade in large-scale war game

Ten Medill National Security Specialization students donned bullet-proof vests and helmets, hoisted backpacks and sleeping bags on their bags and climbed aboard Black Hawk helicopters the morning of Oct. 26 to start a two-day embed at the National Training Center with Army units from Fort Stewart in Georgia.

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James W. Foley Legacy Foundation and Facebook Launch Digital Security Course as Part of Journalist Safety Guide

The James W. Foley Legacy Foundation today announced the addition of
a new digital security seminar to its Journalist Safety Guide for aspiring journalists to address
methods and tools they can utilize to keep themselves and their data safe online.  
In 2014, the Foundation’s namesake, conflict journalist James Foley, was the first American
murdered by the Islamic State following two years of imprisonment. Part of the organization’s
mission is to improve the safety and treatment of independent freelance conflict journalists.
In line with that goal, and in collaboration with several partner organizations, the Foundation
developed a curriculum guide in 2016 for college journalism and communications instructors.
The curriculum is intended to challenge aspiring journalists to focus on how to protect
themselves in an increasingly dangerous world and to provide insight into what their colleagues
are experiencing.

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