Military Reporters & Editors Association: MRE Urges Release of Jailed Photojournalist in Egypt

The Military Reporters & Editors association has joined with other press groups in urging U.S. officials to press authorities in Egypt to release from prison an acclaimed Egyptian photojournalist who faces the death penalty for taking pictures. MRE joined two dozen other organizations and individuals in a June 26 statement that pressed Congress and the Trump administration to take all necessary steps to pressure Egypt to immediately and unconditionally release Mahmoud Abou Zeid, who works under the name Shawkan.

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National Press Club: Press, Free Speech Groups Question Raid on Reporter’s Records

Following the Justice Department’s seizure of a reporter’s phone and email communications without prior notice, The National Press Club, PEN America and more than a dozen other leading organizations representing professional journalists and free speech advocates are demanding an explanation from Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

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