Help in unearthing Pentagon data and covering military justice

Essential Tips and Wisdom,
Straight From the Experts

Help in Using social media on your beat and unearthing and analyzing Pentagon data

Our latest how-to guide: Doug Haddix, a veteran journalist and now director of the Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism at Ohio State University shares his tips and advice on how to effectively use social media to cover the national security beat.

Haddix dives into Facebook, social search, Twitter and LinkedIn and offers a variety of helpful links to key resources for journalists within the government and social networks. → Visit the complete guide.


You can also turn to veteran investigative reporter Chris Adams of McClatchy,who gives advice and insights on how to tap into the vast data horde a the Pentagon, complete with a great list of resources you can start tapping immediately.

He also offers some all-important advice on succeeding with your FOIA request, including at one VA agency that “at times had a dysfunctional, secretive FOIA office resistant to releasing information.” → Full story.

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