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Learn how to be secure as a journalist in a hostile environment

About 1,000 journalists around the world have been killed in the line of duty in the past two decades; the pie chart above shows a breakdown of the situations in which they perished, according to data from the Committee to Protect Journalists.

Journalists need to take responsibility for their own security. The changing economy of the news business makes it increasingly harder for journalists to rely on security advisors.

Instead, both international and local journalists need to assess their own risks and needs in advance of embarking on a dangerous story.

“Journalists need to take responsibility for their own security. The changing economy of the news business makes it increasingly harder for journalists to rely on security advisors. Instead, both international and local journalists need to assess their own risks and needs in advance of embarking on a dangerous story,” security expert Frank Smyth says.

In our latest “NSZ 101” how-to guide for reporters, security expert Smyth offers a comprehensive look at how to prepare to visit a hostile situation and how to go about your business while there, and deal with the stress of what you’ve been through once you’re home. → Read the full guide.

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