Medill National Security Reporting Project
Medill/GlobalPost investigation sheds new light on $3.2 billion U.S. mine clearance and victim assistance effort.
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Medill/USA TODAY investigation of U.S. international food aid programs finds significant, entrenched problems Read about the project.
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R.I.P. James Wright Foley, 1973-2014
#MedillRemembers James Foley, One Year Later
Remembering James Foley's life and legacy one year after his death at the hands of the Islamic State.→ Continue to the story.
→ James Foley: A legacy that lives on (VIDEO)
Major TV networks sign onto freelancer safety compact
Read about the compact, which was signed by Medill NSJI Co-Director Ellen Shearer at Columbia University in September, here.-
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NSJI in the News
The Voice of America featured NSJI in a recent article about how it prepares journalists to cover stories in conflict zones.McCormick Foundation renews grant for Medill National Security Journalism program
EVANSTON, Ill. — The Robert R. McCormick Foundation has renewed a $1 million grant to fund the Medill National Security Journalism Initiative at Northwestern University over the next two years.
The NSJ program provides journalists-in-training and working journalists with the knowledge and skills necessary to report accurately, completely and with context on events and issues related to defense, security and civil liberties. The initiative began in January, 2009 with an initial three-year, $1.3 million McCormick Foundation grant. The grant was also renewed for $1 million over two years in 2011.
About the initiative
By the Medill National Security Journalism Initiative, in partnership with the McCormick Foundation.Links we recommend
- Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict
- Global Warning
- International Reporting Project
- McCormick Foundation
- Medill
- Medill Washington
- Military Reporters & Editors
- Northwestern University
- Security Clearance
- The Center for Public Integrity
- The Crimes of War Projct
- The Dart Center
- Washington Post National Security news
Posts by Jennifer-Leigh Oprihory
EVANSTON EVENT: Lunch with the Law on May 21
(May. 19, 2015)Remember the Alamo? Poll shows GOP voters torn as to whether Texas is under military attack
(May. 19, 2015)According to a May 14 story on Texas’, a poll by a “left-leaning polling firm” found that 32 percent of would-be voters in the Republican primary feared that the Jade Helm 15 military training exercise was actually a government … Continue reading
Columnist lends local context to the logic behind California’s drought
(May. 18, 2015)In a May 13 piece for, columnist George Skelton breaks down some of the geographical context behind California’s intense drought conditions for non-locals attempting to understand the root cause of the issue. The column touches on everything from rainfall … Continue reading
The soldiers behind the storms: Meet Fort Bragg’s 18th Weather Squadron
(May. 11, 2015)An April 27 story by Chick Jacobs for The Fayetteville Observer’s website,, gives the local audience a crash course on Fort Bragg’s 18th Weather Squadron – whose job it is to generate weather forecasts ahead of military missions to … Continue reading
Maryland Army National Guard PAO explains how Baltimore troops are trained to deal with press
(May. 01, 2015)ADELPHI, Md. — Cpt. Cody Starken, a public affairs officer with the Maryland Army National Guard, explained how ground troops who are currently state-activated to work with Joint Task Force Maryland in response to the Baltimore protests are advised to … Continue reading
Photos: Baltimore City Hall becomes protest-free press parade as curfew arrives
(May. 01, 2015)BALTIMORE — Despite playing host to a major demonstration earlier in the day, Baltimore City Hall became a press-addled ghost town as the citywide 10 p.m. curfew approached on April 30, 2015. Check out the photo gallery above to get … Continue reading
Advice from journalists covering the Freddie Gray fallout in Baltimore
(Apr. 29, 2015)Reporters, photographers and other journalists rarely receive formal training on how to cover urban protests and demonstrations. Usually they rely on the collected wisdom of colleagues who have had earlier experiences, some as recent as last year’s tension and violence … Continue reading
FOIA update: USDB releases Manual for the Guidance of Inmates (USDB Regulation 600-1, Nov. 2013)
(Apr. 27, 2015)WASHINGTON — On Monday, the United States Disciplinary Barracks’ Directorate of Inmate Administration released “USDB Regulation 600-1, Nov. 2013” entitled “Manual for the Guidance of Inmates” to the Medill National Security Journalism Initiative in response to an April 17 Freedom … Continue reading
Medill National Security Specialization students attend private screening of ‘Fort Bliss’
(Apr. 23, 2015)On April 22, Medill National Security Specialization students were treated to a private screening of the feature film “Fort Bliss” and a talk with director Claudia Myers afterwards. Check out our exclusive video to learn more about the story behind … Continue reading
Hemp-ering military readiness: Utah columnist examines obscure Air Force base regulation’s implications
(Apr. 21, 2015)An April 20 story by Mark Saal for Utah’s Standard Examiner takes a playful, yet informative, look at the implications of Hill Air Force Base’s ban on certain hemp-containing products in the name of force readiness. But though the breaking … Continue reading