Veteran appeals to change military women’s image in media


Women who served in the military are too often stereotyped as victims, making it harder for them to reintegrate into society, a veteran says. Continue reading

Post-9/11 veterans unemployment dips, but still 25% higher than non-veterans


The unemployment rate for veterans who served since 9/11 dropped a bit in 2013, but remains 25% higher than the non-veteran population, an analysis of new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows. The yearly average rate for “Gulf … Continue reading

Post-9/11 veterans’ unemployment rate spikes


The unemployment rate for veterans who have served since 9/11 hit 10% in August, the highest point since January, monthly data from the Bureau of Labor statistics released today showed. The rate for all veterans dropped slightly to 6.2%, as … Continue reading

Veteran’s Unemployment Dashboard


The latest, and historical, statistics on unemployment among the nation’s military veterans, particularly those who have served since 9/11. Data is through January, 2014. → Story:Post-9/11 veterans unemployment dips, but still 25% higher than non-veterans SOURCE: National Security Zone charts … Continue reading