Special report: National security and the science of networks


We are pleased to present National Security Zone: War 2.0, a special report by NSZ Carnegie Fellow Sharon Weinberger, who spent the six months investigating social media and its opportunity to predict and perhaps even influence, future international events. The … Continue reading

bin Laden story another milestone in role of social media as ‘early warning system’ for breaking news


Based on how word of Osama bin Laden’s demise last week broke on social networks, national security beat reporters might want to be sure they’re following members of Congress — and key officials from previous administrations — on Twitter.

Or at least are receiving breaking news alerts from key media via Twitter or SMS and checking in on Facebook, not just checking web sites or cable channels now and again.

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s chief of staff, Keith Urbahn, is believed to be among the first to break the news on Twitter, with this tweet at 10: 24 p.m. EDT.
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