Finding and analyzing VA disability claims data
Our latest NSZ 101 how-go guide helps get you started in your pursuit of good local, state, regional and national stories that are to be had in data about the enormous backlog of disability claims filed with the Veterans Benefits Administration.
If you’ve got basic Excel skills, get started here. And even if you don’t, you’ll find information and data that you can use from our expert, Shane Shifflett.
On the Beat
The latest headlines from On The National Security Beat, Scott Anderson’s column that provides fresh tips, news and resources to help national security reporters excel on their beats.
- Apple first to report number of secret customer data requests under new reporting rules.
- For Verizon, a solid grade on its first transparency report.
- Suicides jump among young male veterans; sexual assaults down at military academies, new reports say.
- Weekly VA disability claims snapshot: Backslide is back
- Putting the secret in an investigation of the Secret Service
- Toles ‘toon on data ‘mining’
- VA disability backlog grows for second week in a row.
- Preparing for a local disaster